Emotional, practical, spiritual, support for life’s sacred & precious moments; from birth to death and everything in between.

To Be CONSCIOUS means to be:

  • Aware: Being aware of one’s feelings, thoughts, surroundings, or sensations

  • Alert: Being mentally active or awake, and not in a state of sleep or coma

  • Deliberate: Done with awareness or purpose

  • Self-aware: Being aware of oneself as a thinking being, and of one’s own actions, thoughts, and being

  • Voluntary: Able to perceive or feel

Get Practical, emotional, & spiritual Support from Aisha Jacqueline

Spiritual Care

A safe person to hold confidential space, talk to, study with, and walk alongside you on your personal and spiritual journey.

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End of Life support

Support for individuals and families during planning long before, during the process of letting go, and after death. Advance directives, legacy projects, identifYing values & more

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Guidance in planning, services to lead, and holding sacred space for events such as weddings, pre/post celebration of life, birth/naming, sister circles, birthday celebrations & more.

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End of Life Planning

Creating conscious end of life plans is the greatest gift to your loved ones, an important task for living your best life, & essential for having a good death.

Drafting advance directives, power of ATTORNEY, financial power of ATTORNEY, & body disposition documents

Sounds like fun, right? You are not alone. Most people do not want to think about their inevitable death and do not have these important documents done. Have you ever thought about what a good death means to you? What you want your final resting place to be? Unfortunately if left undone the consequence of this is more stress on loved ones & medical decisions for your care you may not want. I can help you think about your values and desires around end of life and educate you about your options. Get peace of mind by taking a little bit of your time now to plan for the future.

preplanning for your desired death, legacy project, & celebration of life

Taking the time now to think about what a good death means to you. Self introspection and answering the questions of where, who, how, & what can help guide you to creating a plan to share with your loved ones & medical providers. Legacy projects can be an impactful gift to the world to share about the things that matter most to you.

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