Support for individuals & families

To prepare for the sunset of life;

before, during, & after death

End of life planning

No matter your age making peace & preparing for your own death is an essential task that will help you live more intentionally. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your loved one is to have your affairs in order. I can help you identify your desires and values around the end of life.

  • Would you ever want to be on a ventilator?

  • What is your definition of a good death?

  • Do you want to die in a hospital? Or at home?

  • What do you want to see, hear, touch?

  • Who do you want present?

  • What type of funeral do you want?

  • How do you want your body cared for?

  • What type of legacy or gifts do you want to leave your loved ones?

    These are some of the questions we can answer together. I can help you identify options. In Washington State you can have a home funeral. Your loved ones can care for your body at home for as long as they want for vigils with the help of a trained death doula. You can be buried at sea, choose a green burial, have your ashes turned into a coral for reef rebuilding; there are many options most people are unaware of. Creating an advance directive, power of attorney for medical care & financials, having a POLST form, and body disposition instructions can all help assure your wishes are known and followed. The first step is identifying your values and opinions and that is where our work begins.

    I can assist with planning legacy & memorial projects, creating life story books, advice books, artwork whatever it is that would have meaning for you to honor your own life or that of a loved one. The conscious, intentional choices we make now can be our peace in the present and the seeds of success, inspiration, and knowledge for future generations.

“The conscious, intentional choices we make now can be our peace in the present and the seeds of success, inspiration, and knowledge for future generations.”

Death Doula services

Death doula services are holistic and can support you & your family in a variety of ways to meet your needs.  Celebration of life services (funeral officiant) both pre & post death, legacy project planning & end of life planning.  I can act as a guide for processing fears around mortality/death, provide emotional, spiritual, &/or practical support for you while facing difficult or terminal illness. I can provide non-medical respite care for a dying individual, & be present to help hold intentional sacred space & support families during someone’s active dying phase.  I can also help guide your with planning home funerals, helping you provide home body care, & tying up affairs after death.

The caterpillar’s perspective is one of fear and finality when it enters the cocoon, seeing it as an end. In contrast, the “master” (representing God, wisdom, or a higher understanding) sees this process as a necessary transformation leading to something beautiful and new-the butterfly. This illustrates the idea that what may seem like an ending can actually be a beginning. I like to think that when our spirit leaves our body we are finally free to fly in the heights we were intended for.